After a hard fought battle the pupil’s quiz team was triumphant narrowly beating the staff team in Ivybridge Challenge. It all rested on the final quick fire round – well done to both teams for taking part!

Archives for December 2018
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Our cast of A Midsummer Night’s Dream received fantastic feedback following their recent performance at the Waterman’s Theatre, click on the link to read more Ivybridge Primary School 22.11.2018
The Choir Entertain
A small choir visited Atfield House today to entertain the residents, their performance went down so well they have been invited to go back several times during the year to perform and also to take part in other activities with the residents. Well done to those who took part and represented our school so well.
Choir to visit Atfield House Care Home
Tomorrow our choir will be visiting a local care home to sing Christmas songs to the residents. The choir were invited to sing at the home last year and are making a return visit by popular request this year.