Our netball team played brilliantly at the tournament this afternoon finishing as the overall winners – many congratulations to all of our players. This means that they are through to the semi-finals in March, we wish them the best of luck in those matches. Keep up the training!

Archives for February 2019
Families First Quality Award
We are pleased to announce that in December we had our final assessment for our Families First Quality Award and we now have our certificate to confirm that we achieved this successfully.
The Families First Quality Award is a national quality assurance and improvement framework designed to help orgamisations demonstrate excellence in helping families. Click here to read more about the award.
Ivybridge at Young Voices
Last week pupils from Ivybridge Primary had a most amazing time taking part in Young Voices 2019 at the O2. Everyone has said how wonderful all of the pupils were who attended – well done, we are very proud of you! Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to achieve this.
Our New Fitness Equipment
Earlier this week our new fitness equipment was installed in the KS2 playground. Now pupils will have even more opportunities for exercising and increasing their fitness at play times, lunchtimes and during PE lessons. The equipment was funded with a grant from “the sugar tax” and some of our Sports Premium Funding. Some lucky Year 3 pupils had a sneak preview before all pupils receive training in how to use the equipment safely.
Safer Internet Day
Pupils have been discussing internet safety in school today, parents please discuss this with your children at home today. We have some useful information on our web site and we have a presentation for parents booked for the 8th March – look out for further information.
Click here for guidance regarding Tik Tok.
Click here for a parent’s guide to Fortnite.
Click here for a parent’s guide to age ratings.