Start of the Day
We operate a “soft start” to the school day, the gates open for pupils from 8:40am until 8:45am and they make their way straight to their classrooms. The registers are taken promptly at 8:45am; any pupil arriving in the classroom after 8:45am will be marked as late. Any pupil arriving once the gates are closed must enter the building through the main entrance and report to the school office with their parent who must sign them in.
End of the Day
Pupils are dismissed from their classroom doors at the end of the day. Pupils in KS1 must be collected by a known adult; they will not be allowed to leave with siblings. In KS2 pupils will be allowed to leave on their own only if the school has been specifically notified that they may do so by parents.
Timings of the School Day
8:40am – gates open for pupils
8:45am – all pupils should be in their classrooms and registers are taken
10:30am – 10:45am – morning break for KS1 and KS2 pupils
11:50am – end of session for morning only nursery
12:00pm – 1:00pm – lunchtime
3:15pm – end of school day for all pupils
Before School
We operate a Breakfast Club which opens at 8:00am. This is open to all pupils who attend the school but they must be registered and places booked in advance. A small charge is made for this club to cover costs. Please contact the school office for further details.
After School
Various sport or activity clubs take place after school, running until 4:30pm. These change throughout the year, please ask the school office for the latest information. These clubs are open to all pupils who attend the school but they must be registered and places booked in advance. A charge is made for these clubs. Please contact the school office for further details.