We have a number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the school, I know this is concerning but for most people, particularly children and vaccinated adults, Coronavirus is a mild illness. Please help us to reduce the spread of the virus by keeping your child at home if they feel at all unwell. The Omicron variant includes further symptoms common to other illness therefore if your child is unwell in any way we strongly recommend using a lateral flow test to check for Coronavirus. Further information about what to do is below and click here for updated guidance about who should self isolate and for how long.
What to do if your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) or tests positive for COVID-19
If your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they should get a PCR test and remain at home at least until the result is known. If negative, the child can end self-isolation; if positive, the child should isolate until at least 7 days after their symptoms appeared. Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are extensive but include a new, continuous cough, or a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). The Omicron variant symptoms include colds, headaches, upset stomachs and diarrhoea. If the child has a positive test result but does not have symptoms, they should stay at home and self-isolate for 7 days from the date the positive test was taken. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for a PCR test and this can be arranged via Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or by calling 119.