This page provides prospective parents and visitors with a glimpse into our Ivybridge Curriculum.
Ivybridge parents are also given termly planners outlining the learning opportunities provided in each year group every term.
Detailed knowledge organisers are also available on request.
Click here for the Religious Education Teaching Sequence
Religious Education – Curriculum
The intent of our RE curriculum is to deliver a syllabus which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child. A broad education in RE should develop the children’s knowledge of the religions of the world, whilst equipping them with the language, skills and understanding to respond appropriately and thoughtfully to the questions and discussions which arise from its study. Children will become independent, respectful and responsible members of a society who understand and explore big questions about life, to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that they can make sense of religion, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. Children should be provided with opportunities to learn about and from religions and worldviews in local, national and global contexts, in order to discover, investigate and develop their ideas, values and identities. Through studying RE, children will develop an aptitude for dialogue so that they can participate positively within their local community and wider society, with its diverse religions and worldviews. RE provides a positive context within which the diversity of cultures, beliefs and values can be celebrated and explored.
The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Know about and describe a range of religions and worldviews.
- Understand why different religions and worldviews exist and their significance to those who follow them.
- Have the skills to engage with and develop their own responses to religions and worldviews.
At Ivybridge Primary School:
Children are taught a thematic programme of RE study in termly units with learning focussed around a Big Question. These big questions can be taught on a weekly basis or within a block, at the discretion of the teacher. The intention is for children to explore the question in relation to one or more religions or beliefs, and to develop the knowledge and skills to form informed, personal responses to the question.
We follow the Widening Horizons Agreed Syllabus for the London Borough of Hounslow. Areas covered include: Core Areas (six main religions), Areas of Exploration (applicable to most religions and beliefs systems) and Skills and Attitudes in Religious Education.
In addition to the big questions, each year group throughout Key Stage 1 and 2 is assigned a focus religion from the core six. Children will carry out an in-depth study of a key festival of their focus religion and will have the opportunity to visit their place of worship.
It is intended that when children leave Ivybridge Primary, they will have a broad, deep and secure knowledge of the six main world religions along with knowledge of other religions and worldviews. Children will have the understanding and confidence to explore and ask questions, to make comparisons between and across religious beliefs, teachings and practices, and to show respect for the views of all faiths and cultures within our school and local community, as well as across the wider world.