Remote Learning at Ivybridge Primary School
The following information highlights the provision that Ivybridge Primary School will provide for children should they be self-isolating, or the school closes due to Covid 19 or other reasons. Provision will be consistent across the school, with slight variations across the Key Stages.
Overview of Provision
Child Self Isolating/Shielding due to Health Reasons
- Class teachers will provide termly parent planners posted on the year pages.
- Work will be linked to the lessons being completed in class.
- Termly planners include weblinks to the interactive lessons that the children can complete at home.
- Staff will inform parents of the current week the children are working on, so that they access the correct online resources.
- Children working from home will be able to access learning on Google Classroom as well upload completed tasks that teachers can mark.
School Closure
- Class teachers will hold a morning meet (daily) to take the register and outline the activities for the day
- Children will be invited to participate in the input for English and maths via Google Meet. Once completed independent work will be completed remotely and submitted via Google classroom.
- Read Write Inc videos will be uploaded onto Google Classroom.
- Foundation subjects will be completed via Google Classroom
- Children to continue to use Purple Mash, My Maths and Churanga.
- Homework will be set as normal via Google Classroom
- PE support will be provided to ensure children have the opportunity to participate in physical activity via Get Set 4 PE.
Links to external websites to be provided to support parents and children