Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been lovely to see so many children back in school for these last few weeks; we have really missed you all! Following the announcement by the government last week we are looking forward to seeing you all back in school in September.
As you will have heard all children are to attend school from the start of the autumn term and normal rules around attendance will come back in to force. We will send out further details of our arrangements in September so that we are able to include any changes that might take place between now and then.
School reopens after the summer holiday for all children in Years 1 to 6 on Monday 7th September 2020, children in reception and nursery will receive separate information.
Due to the ongoing disruption caused by Coronavirus, currently, there will be no after school sports clubs running during the autumn term. We are considering how we can provide breakfast club and after school care club for those working parents who need childcare. We intend to offer two after school options, one of which will finish a 4.30pm (at a reduced cost) and another that will finish at 5.30pm as usual. In order for us to be able to make necessary arrangements please click on these links and complete the forms by Wednesday 15th July 2020. Only those children for whom we receive a completed form will be able to attend breakfast club or aftercare.
Breakfast Club Booking Form Aftercare Booking Form
We have now finalised the teaching groups for next year. If you visit your child’s current year group page (where they have been looking for their online learning) you will find a welcome letter from their new teacher. If your child is joining our nursery in September there is a letter to them on the nursery class page.
We hope you all have a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you all in September.
Kind Regards,
Caroline McKay (Headteacher)