The school colours are red and grey. All children wear uniform which is available from the school, together with school PE kit.
Any of the following is suitable for wearing as school uniform :
- Black or grey trousers or shorts
- Grey skirt or pinafore
- Plain black or grey jogging bottoms (Nursery & Reception only)
- White shirt or blouse
- White polo shirt
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
- Red/white striped or checked dress
- Plain black, grey or white socks
- Headscarves and tights or leggings in plain school colours (red, white, grey or black) (no patterns)
- Black Shoes
P.E. Kit
- Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
- Red T-shirt with school logo
- Plimsolls
- Named bag
Children need to wear suitable black shoes to school that will enable them to run, climb and play safely. In summer, they should bring a sun hat, as there is very little shade in the playground or on the field.
We also strongly recommend children’s clothing is marked with their name so that lost items may be returned.
The following items of uniform, with school logos, need to be purchased from the school; sweatshirts, cardigans, PE tops and shorts, PE bags, book bags and woolen hats. Please click here for an order form and prices, completed order forms should be returned to the school office or emailed to All other uniform items may be purchased from high street retailers such as Tesco and Asda.
The London Borough of Hounslow states that jewellery of any kind may not be worn to school unless for religious reasons. Any jewellery worn for religious reasons will need to be covered or removed during P.E. lessons to ensure safety. Watches are included as an item of jewellery and are not needed in school.